&c2f0snd&r ____________ bps: PEEKABOO!!!! avenger: :P &c2f0snd&r ____________ matchdate: 2010-02-01 22:58:56 CET The match has begun! (bps): >&cc93bps&cfff &ce00lost&cfff [high] x [9] minutes remaining (bps): >&cc93bps&cfff ra163/100 [ya] &c0ffrl&cfff:11 (bps): >&cc93bps&cfff &ce00lost&cfff [ra] x no weapon no weapon (bps): >&cc93bps&cfff took &cf00ra&cfff [ra] [8] minutes remaining ]:> bps: :> [7] minutes remaining [6] minutes remaining Game in progress (bps): >&cc93bps&cfff &ce00lost&cfff [high-tele] x [5] minutes remaining [4] minutes remaining (bps): >&cc93bps&cfff &ce00lost&cfff [low-tele] x no weapon [3] minutes remaining (bps): >&cc93bps&cfff &ce00lost&cfff [mega] x no weapon Game in progress Proxy name: Quakeworld.fi, id: 14 userid name ------ ---- 908 player 889 inz radzioH 2 total users Clients list: players id ad vip hdp team name 18| | 0|off| red|avenger 19| | 0|off| ok|bps -- 2 found ------------- Clients list: spectators id ad vip name 21| | 0|mawe > bps -- 1 found ------------- [2] minutes remaining (bps): >&cc93bps&cfff &ce00lost&cfff [ssg] x no weapon no weapon [1] minute remaining no weapon Game in progress avenger: :P bps: PEEKABOO!!!! [30] seconds [15] seconds [10] seconds [9] seconds [8] seconds [7] seconds [6] seconds [5] seconds [4] seconds [3] seconds [2] seconds [1] second The match is over Player statistics: Frags (rank) . efficiency ___________________________________ _ avenger: 8 (-24) 20.0% Wp: lg29.9% rl20.6% gl10.9% sg22.4% RL skill: ad:77.4 dh:9 Speed: max:1084.3 average:281.1 Armr&mhs: ga:17 ya:7 ra:7 mh:5 Damage: Tkn:6916 Gvn:4676 Tm:0 EndGame: H:82 A:ya150 SpawnFrags: 2 __________ _ bps: 28 (16) 70.0% Wp: lg34.5% rl23.5% gl10.5% sg7.4% RL skill: ad:79.9 dh:7 Speed: max:1307.6 average:257.2 Armr&mhs: ga:10 ya:4 ra:15 mh:4 Damage: Tkn:4676 Gvn:6916 Tm:0 EndGame: H:38 A:ya81 SpawnFrags: 1 __________