//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// /// /// /// /// E Z Q U A K E C O N F I G U R A T I O N /// /// /// /// /// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // C O M M A N D L I N E // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ezquake-gl.exe-gamma0.7 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // V A R I A B L E S // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //Only variables with non-default values are listed below. //You can use "cfg_save_unchanged 1" to save all variables. //MQWCL HUD hud_ammo1_align_y "bottom" hud_ammo1_order "1" hud_ammo1_place "screen" hud_ammo1_pos_x "3" hud_ammo1_pos_y "-37" hud_ammo1_scale ".8" hud_ammo1_show "1" hud_ammo1_style "2" hud_ammo2_align_x "left" hud_ammo2_align_y "bottom" hud_ammo2_order "2" hud_ammo2_place "screen" hud_ammo2_pos_x "51" hud_ammo2_pos_y "-37" hud_ammo2_scale ".8" hud_ammo2_show "1" hud_ammo2_style "3" hud_ammo3_align_x "left" hud_ammo3_align_y "bottom" hud_ammo3_order "3" hud_ammo3_place "screen" hud_ammo3_pos_x "99" hud_ammo3_pos_y "-37" hud_ammo3_scale ".8" hud_ammo3_show "1" hud_ammo3_style "3" hud_ammo4_align_x "left" hud_ammo4_align_y "bottom" hud_ammo4_order "4" hud_ammo4_place "screen" hud_ammo4_pos_x "147" hud_ammo4_pos_y "-37" hud_ammo4_scale ".8" hud_ammo4_show "1" hud_ammo4_style "3" hud_ammo_align_x "left" hud_ammo_align_y "bottom" hud_ammo_order "4" hud_ammo_place "screen" hud_ammo_pos_x "248" hud_armor_align_x "left" hud_armor_align_y "bottom" hud_armor_order "3" hud_armor_place "screen" hud_armor_pos_x "24" hud_armor_scale "1.00" hud_armordamage_order "4" hud_clock_align_x "left" hud_clock_align_y "bottom" hud_clock_pos_x "262" hud_clock_pos_y "8" hud_clock_scale ".3" hud_democlock_order "10" hud_democlock_show "0" hud_face_align_x "left" hud_face_order "2" hud_face_pos_x "112" hud_fps_align_x "left" hud_fps_align_y "bottom" hud_fps_place "top" hud_fps_pos_x "8" hud_fps_pos_y "-152" hud_frags_align_x "left" hud_frags_align_y "top" hud_frags_cell_width "16" hud_frags_extra_spec_info "1" hud_frags_frame "0.02" hud_frags_frame_color "white" hud_frags_place "screen" hud_frags_rows "8" hud_frags_shownames "1" hud_frags_teamsort "1" hud_gameclock_align_x "center" hud_gameclock_align_y "bottom" hud_gameclock_blink "0" hud_gameclock_countdown "1" hud_gameclock_scale ".6" hud_group1_align_y "bottom" hud_group1_frame "0" hud_group1_height "150" hud_group1_name "Top left" hud_group1_pos_y "136" hud_group1_width "200" hud_group2_align_x "left" hud_group2_align_y "bottom" hud_group2_frame "0" hud_group2_frame_color "black" hud_group2_height "150" hud_group2_name "Top right radar" hud_group2_pos_y "-180" hud_group2_width "200" hud_group3_align_x "left" hud_group3_align_y "bottom" hud_group3_frame "0" hud_group3_frame_color "black" hud_group3_height "150" hud_group3_name "Bottom left" hud_group3_order "2" hud_group3_pos_y "-68" hud_group3_width "200" hud_group4_align_y "top" hud_group4_frame "0" hud_group4_frame_color "black" hud_group4_height "150" hud_group4_name "Bottom right" hud_group4_order "3" hud_group4_width "200" hud_group5_align_x "left" hud_group5_align_y "top" hud_group5_order "1" hud_group6_align_x "left" hud_group6_align_y "top" hud_group7_align_y "top" hud_group8_align_y "center" hud_group8_height "1" hud_group8_pos_x "40" hud_group8_pos_y "3" hud_group9_align_x "center" hud_group9_align_y "center" hud_group9_height "1" hud_group9_pos_x "-40" hud_group9_pos_y "3" hud_gun2_order "1" hud_gun2_place "top" hud_gun2_pos_y "24" hud_gun3_order "2" hud_gun4_order "3" hud_gun5_order "4" hud_gun6_order "5" hud_gun7_order "6" hud_gun8_order "7" hud_gun_place "top" hud_health_align_x "left" hud_health_align_y "bottom" hud_health_order "3" hud_health_place "screen" hud_health_pos_x "136" hud_healthdamage_order "4" hud_iammo1_order "2" hud_iammo1_place "screen" hud_iammo2_align_x "left" hud_iammo2_order "3" hud_iammo2_place "screen" hud_iammo3_align_x "left" hud_iammo3_order "4" hud_iammo3_place "screen" hud_iammo4_align_x "left" hud_iammo4_order "5" hud_iammo4_place "screen" hud_iammo_align_x "left" hud_iammo_align_y "bottom" hud_iammo_order "5" hud_iammo_place "screen" hud_iammo_pos_x "224" hud_iarmor_align_x "left" hud_iarmor_align_y "bottom" hud_iarmor_order "4" hud_iarmor_place "screen" hud_iarmor_scale "1.00" hud_key1_place "top" hud_key1_show "0" hud_key2_order "1" hud_key2_show "0" hud_mp3_time_pos_y "1" hud_mp3_title_align_x "left" hud_mp3_title_frame "2" hud_mp3_title_pos_x "176" hud_mp3_title_pos_y "29" hud_mp3_title_scroll_delay "0.2" hud_mp3_title_width "128" hud_mp3_title_wordwrap "1" hud_netgraph_align_x "center" hud_netgraph_height "16" hud_netgraph_ploss "0" hud_netgraph_pos_y "-135" hud_ownfrags_show "0" hud_pent_order "8" hud_pent_show "0" hud_ping_place "top" hud_ping_pos_x "120" hud_ping_pos_y "-152" hud_quad_order "10" hud_quad_show "0" hud_radar_height "135" hud_radar_itemfilter "quad pent armor ring backpack" hud_radar_weaponfilter "rl lg gl" hud_radar_width "185" hud_ring_order "2" hud_ring_show "0" hud_sigil1_place "screen" hud_sigil2_order "1" hud_sigil3_order "2" hud_sigil4_order "3" hud_suit_order "9" hud_suit_show "0" hud_teamfrags_align_x "left" hud_teamfrags_align_y "bottom" hud_teamfrags_frame_color "white" hud_teamfrags_order "9" hud_teamfrags_place "screen" hud_teamfrags_pos_x "208" hud_teamfrags_pos_y "-29" hud_teamfrags_rows "2" hud_teamfrags_style "3" hud_teamholdbar_width "400" hud_teamholdinfo_height "48" hud_teamholdinfo_itemfilter "quad rl ra ya pent" hud_teamholdinfo_style "0" hud_teamholdinfo_width "100" hud_tracking_align_x "left" hud_tracking_align_y "bottom" hud_tracking_format "%t %n" hud_tracking_place "top" hud_tracking_pos_x "8" //Player Settings b_switch "2" w_switch "2" bottomcolor "11" topcolor "11" name "mawe" rate "30000" team "=σα=" //Skin Settings teamskin "base" enemyskin "2_yellow" enemybottomcolor "12" enemytopcolor "12" teambottomcolor "13" teamtopcolor "13" //Console Settings con_notifylines "6" con_notifytime "6" gl_consolefont "def" scr_consize "0.7" scr_conspeed "50000000" //FPS and EyeCandy Settings cl_deadbodyFilter "2" cl_gibFilter "1" cl_maxfps "500" cl_muzzleflash "0" cl_physfps "77" gl_powerupshells "0" r_drawflame "0" r_explosionLight "0.1" r_explosionLightColor "3" r_explosionType "3" r_lightflicker "0" r_powerupGlow "2" r_rocketLight "0" //Particle Effects gl_part_gunshots "1" gl_particle_trail_width "10" //Lighting gl_flashblend "1" gl_loadlitfiles "0" gl_shaftlight "0.6" //Turbulency and Sky Settings r_fastsky "1" r_fastturb "1" //Weapon View Model Settings r_drawviewmodel "0" r_viewmodelSize "0.75" r_viewmodeloffset "0" //Texture Settings gl_externalTextures_bmodels "0" gl_externalTextures_world "0" gl_max_size "16" gl_texturemode "gl_linear_mipmap_nearest" //OpenGL Rendering gl_lightning "1" r_farclip "100000000" //System Settings sys_highpriority "1" //Video Settings vid_conheight "300" vid_conwidth "400" vid_customheight "768" vid_customwidth "1024" vid_displayfrequency "100" vid_mode "4" vid_xpos "-39" vid_ypos "-18" //Sound Settings s_ambientlevel "0" s_khz "44" volume "0.1" //Input - Keyboard cl_backspeed "9999" cl_forwardspeed "9999" cl_sidespeed "9999" cl_upspeed "9999" //Input - Mouse m_rate "500" //Input - Misc sensitivity "5.76" //Network Settings cl_c2sImpulseBackup "4" cl_useproxy "1" //Status Bar and Scoreboard con_fragmessages "0" scr_newhud "1" scr_scoreboard_forcecolors "0" //Crosshair Settings cl_crossy "1" crosshair "4" crosshaircolor "0 255 0" crosshairimage "crosshair-def-doom3" //Screen Settings gl_gamma "0.5" r_tracker_frags "2" r_tracker_scale "0.9" scr_autoid "1" scr_centershift "9" scr_teaminfo "0" scr_teaminfo_scale "0.66" //Screen & Powerup Blends cl_bonusflash "0" v_damagecshift "0" v_dlightcshift "0" v_pentcshift "0" v_quadcshift "0" v_ringcshift "0" //View Settings cl_rollangle "2" cl_rollspeed "400" fov "120" v_kickpitch "0" v_kickroll "0" v_kicktime "0" //Match Tools match_auto_sshot "1" //Screenshot Settings sshot_format "jpg" //Item Names tp_name_rl "{&cfffrl&cfff}" tp_name_lg "{&cffflg&cfff}" tp_name_ga "{&c0b0ga&cfff}" tp_name_ya "{&cff0ya&cfff}" tp_name_ra "{&cf50ra&cfff}" tp_name_armortype_ga "ga" tp_name_armortype_ya "ya" tp_name_armortype_ra "ra" tp_name_quad "{&c05fquad&cfff}" tp_name_pent "{&cf00pent&cfff}" tp_name_ring "{&cff0ring&cfff}" tp_name_mh "{&c0a0mega&cfff}" tp_name_backpack "{&cfffpack&cfff}" tp_name_enemy "{&cf00enemy&cfff}" tp_name_someplace " " tp_name_at "" tp_name_nothing "" tp_name_separator "$x20" //Item Need Amounts tp_need_weapon "87" tp_need_ga "70" tp_need_ya "70" tp_need_ra "70" tp_need_shells "0" tp_need_nails "0" //Server Settings sv_cheats "1" //Serverside Physics pm_bunnyspeedcap "0" //Serverside Permissions allow_download_models "0" allow_download_skins "0" //Unsorted Variables keymap_name "SE" menu_advanced "1" //User Created Variables set _blue "$B$B" set _green "$G$G" set _red "$R$R" set _space "" set _yellow "$Y$Y" set loc_name_ga "ga" set loc_name_mh "mega" set loc_name_ra "ra" set loc_name_separator "-" set loc_name_ya "ya" set nick "maw" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // S E L E C T E D S O U R C E S // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// sb_sourceunmarkall sb_sourcemark "Global" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // A L I A S E S // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// alias +aback "+back" alias -aback "-back;_report_auto" alias +aforward "+forward" alias -aforward "-forward;_report_auto" alias +ajump "+jump" alias -ajump "-jump;_report_auto" alias +alt "bind F4 mp3vol+;bind F3 mp3vol-" alias -alt "bind F4 vol+;bind F3 vol-" alias +amoveleft "+moveleft" alias -amoveleft "-moveleft;_report_auto" alias +amoveright "+moveright" alias -amoveright "-moveright;_report_auto" alias +axe "impulse 1; +attack" alias -axe "-attack; impulse 2" alias +bestisgl "impulse 3 2;+attack" alias -bestisgl "-attack;impulse 2" alias +booms "impulse 2; +attack" alias -booms "-attack; impulse 2" alias +fix "gl_miptexlevel 0; gl_texturemode gl_linear; gl_externalTextures_bmodels 0" alias -fix "gl_miptexlevel 3; gl_texturemode gl_nearest; gl_externalTextures_bmodels 1" alias +hudscores "hud_teamfrags_show 1" alias -hudscores "hud_teamfrags_show 0" alias +inc "impulse 7 2; +attack" alias -inc "-attack; impulse 2" alias +info "show_fps 1; r_netgraph 1" alias -info "show_fps 0; r_netgraph 0" alias +m1 "wp;+attack" alias -m1 "-attack; impulse 2 1" alias +m2 "impulse 6 1; +attack" alias -m2 "-attack; impulse 2 1" alias +m3 "w7; +attack" alias -m3 "-attack; impulse 2 1" alias +nade "impulse 6 2; +attack" alias -nade "-attack; impulse 2" alias +nails "impulse 5 4 2;+attack" alias -nails "-attack;impulse 2" alias +rail "impulse 9;+attack" alias -rail "-attack;impulse 2" alias +showscore "r_netgraph 1; +scores" alias -showscore "r_netgraph 0; -scores" alias +tt "impulse 8 5 4 2; +attack" alias -tt "-attack; impulse 2" alias +wpscores "+showscores; +wp_stats" alias -wpscores "-showscores; -wp_stats" alias -primary "Switch.Back.Shotgun" alias ..readybreak_break "break;alias .readybreak ..readybreak_ready" alias ..readybreak_ready "ready;alias .readybreak ..readybreak_break" alias .point "say_team $\$nick %x at {%y}" alias .point2 "say_team $\$nick %x at {%y}" alias .point3 "say_team $\$nick %x at {%y}" alias .readybreak "..readybreak_break" alias .report "say_team $\$nick %A%a/%h $[{%l}$] {&cfffrlg:&cfff}$rockets/$cells" alias .report2 "say_team $\$nick %A%a/%h $[{%l}$] %b" alias .report3 "say_team $\$nick %A%a/%h $[{%l}$]" alias .reportpowp "say_team $\$nick {&cf00p&cfff} %A%a/%h %l" alias .reportpowpr "say_team $\$nick {&cf00p&cff0r&cfff} %A%a/%h %l" alias .reportpowq "say_team $\$nick {&c05fq&cfff} %A%a/%h %l" alias .reportpowqp "say_team $\$nick {&c05fq&cf00p&cfff} %A%a/%h %l" alias .reportpowqpr "say_team $\$nick {&c05fq&cf00p&cff0r&cfff} %A%a/%h %l" alias .reportpowqr "say_team $\$nick {&c05fq&cff0r&cfff} %A%a/%h %l" alias .reportpowr "say_team $\$nick {&cff0r&cfff} %A%a/%h %l" alias .reportpowrlgp "say_team $\$nick {&cf00p&cfff} %A%a/%h %l {&cfffrlg&cfff}:$rockets" alias .reportpowrlgpr "say_team $\$nick {&cf00p&cff0r&cfff} %A%a/%h %l {&cfffrlg&cfff}:$rockets" alias .reportpowrlgq "say_team $\$nick {&c05fq&cfff} %A%a/%h %l {&cfffrlg&cfff}:$rockets" alias .reportpowrlgqp "say_team $\$nick {&c05fq&cf00p&cfff} %A%a/%h %l {&cfffrlg&cfff}:$rockets" alias .reportpowrlgqpr "say_team $\$nick {&c05fq&cf00p&cff0r&cfff} %A%a/%h $l {&cfffrlg&cfff}:$rockets" alias .reportpowrlgqr "say_team $\$nick {&c05fq&cff0r&cfff} %A%a/%h %l {&cfffrlg&cfff}:$rockets" alias .reportpowrlgr "say_team $\$nick {&cff0r&cfff} %A%a/%h %l {&cfffrlg&cfff}:$rockets" alias .reportpowwpnp "say_team $\$nick {&cf00p&cfff} %A%a/%h %l %b" alias .reportpowwpnpr "say_team $\$nick {&cf00p&cff0r&cfff} %A%a/%h %l %b" alias .reportpowwpnq "say_team $\$nick {&c05fq&cfff} %A%a/%h %l %b" alias .reportpowwpnqp "say_team $\$nick {&c05fq&cf00p&cfff} %A%a/%h %l %b" alias .reportpowwpnqpr "say_team $\$nick {&c05fq&cf00p&cff0r&cfff} %A%a/%h %l %b" alias .reportpowwpnqr "say_team $\$nick {&c05fq&cff0r&cfff} %A%a/%h %l %b" alias .reportpowwpnr "say_team $\$nick {&cff0r&cfff} %A%a/%h %l %b" alias .safe1 "say_team $\$nick {&c0b0safe&cfff} $[{%l}$] rlg:$rockets" alias .safe2 "say_team $\$nick {&c0b0safe&cfff} $[{%l}$] %b" alias .safe3 "say_team $\$nick {&c0b0safe&cfff} $[{%l}$]" alias _armorstatus "say_team $\ status ra / ya?" alias _awaits "say_team $\$nick awaits $[{%l}$]" alias _cancel "say_team $\$nick cancel $[{%l}$]" alias _coming "say_team $\$nick coming $[{%l}$]" alias _epowerups "say_team $\ $tp_name_enemy %q" alias _getpent "say_team $\ {&cf50get pent&cfff}" alias _getquad "say_team $\ {&cf50get quad&cfff}" alias _help "say_team $\$nick HELP $[{%l}$] " alias _lost "say_team $\$nick $R$R $[{%d}$] %E" alias _need "if $need != $tp_name_nothing then _need2" alias _need2 "say_team $\$nick need %u $[{%l}$]" alias _need_tpowerups "if $tp_name_quad isin $powerups then _tpowerups else if $tp_name_pent isin $powerups then _tpowerups else if $tp_name_ring isin $powerups then _tpowerups else _need" alias _nothing "" alias _point "if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_green then else _pointx; shownick" alias _point1 "if $qt$point$qt = $qt$tp_name_nothing$qt then else _point2x" alias _point2x "if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_red then .point3 else _point5" alias _point5 "if $ledpoint = $tp_name_status_yellow then _point6 else .point" alias _point6 "if $need = $qt$tp_name_nothing$qt then .point else .point2" alias _pointx "if $health > 1 then _point1 else if $qt$tp_name_backpack$qt isin $qt$point$qt then else _point1" alias _quadover "say_team $\ {&c05fquad over&cfff}" alias _report "if $health < 1 then .lost else _report1" alias _report1 "if $qt$powerups$qt = $qt$tp_name_none$qt then _report2 else _reportp2" alias _report2 "if $bestweapon isin $tp_name_sg|$tp_name_ng then .report3 else if $tp_name_lg isin $qt$weapons$qt then _report4 else .report2" alias _report4 "if $cells > 14 then _report5 else .report2" alias _report5 "if $bestweapon = $qt$tp_name_lg$qt then .report2 else .report" alias _reportp2 "if $bestweapon isin $tp_name_sg|$tp_name_ng then _reportpow else if $tp_name_lg isin $qt$weapons$qt then _reportp4 else _reportpowwpn" alias _reportp4 "if $cells > 14 then _reportp5 else _reportpowwpn" alias _reportp5 "if $bestweapon = $qt$tp_name_lg$qt then _reportpowwpn else _reportpowrlg" alias _reportpow "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .reportpowq else _reportpow2" alias _reportpow2 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .reportpowp else _reportpow3" alias _reportpow3 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .reportpowr else _reportpow4" alias _reportpow4 "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowpr else _reportpow5" alias _reportpow5 "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowqp else _reportpow6" alias _reportpow6 "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowqr else .reportpowqpr" alias _reportpowrlg "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .reportpowrlgq else _reportpowrlg2" alias _reportpowrlg2 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .reportpowrlgp else _reportpowrlg3" alias _reportpowrlg3 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .reportpowrlgr else _reportpowrlg4" alias _reportpowrlg4 "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowrlgpr else _reportpowrlg5" alias _reportpowrlg5 "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowrlgqp else _reportpowrlg6" alias _reportpowrlg6 "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowrlgqr else .reportpowrlgqpr" alias _reportpowwpn "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_quad$qt then .reportpowwpnq else _reportpowwpn2" alias _reportpowwpn2 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_pent$qt then .reportpowwpnp else _reportpowwpn3" alias _reportpowwpn3 "if $qt$powerups$qt == $qt$tp_name_ring$qt then .reportpowwpnr else _reportpowwpn4" alias _reportpowwpn4 "if $qt$tp_name_quad$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowwpnpr else _reportpowwpn5" alias _reportpowwpn5 "if $qt$tp_name_ring$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowwpnqp else _reportpowwpn6" alias _reportpowwpn6 "if $qt$tp_name_pent$qt !isin $qt$powerups$qt then .reportpowwpnqr else .reportpowwpnqpr" alias _rlkilled "say_team $\ rl killed! $[{%l}$]" alias _safe "if $bestweapon isin $tp_name_sg|$tp_name_ng then .safe3 else if $tp_name_lg isin $qt$weapons$qt then _safe2 else .safe2" alias _safe2 "if $bestweapon = $qt$tp_name_lg$qt then .safe2 else _safe3" alias _safe3 "if $cells > 14 then .safe1 else .safe2" alias _slipped "say_team $\ {&cf00slip&cfff} %l" alias _soon "say_team $\$nick soon $[{%l}$]" alias _switch "say_team $\$nick swap $[{%l}$]" alias _took "if $took isin $tp_name_nothing then _nothing else if $took isin $tp_name_quad then _took3 else if $took isin $tp_name_pent then _took3 else if $took isin $tp_name_ring then _took3 else _took2" alias _took2 "say_team $\$nick took $took $[{%Y}$]" alias _took3 "say_team $\ {&cfff$nick} %p [{%u}]" alias _tpowerups "say_team $\$nick {&cfff$nick} %p [{%u}]" alias _trick "say_team $\$nick trick $l" alias attack_lost_pos "say_team $\ spam $[{%d}$] %E" alias bot_1on1 "exec configs/fb_1on1.cfg" alias bot_2on2 "exec configs/fb_2on2.cfg;team blue;color 13" alias bot_4on4 "exec configs/fb_4on4.cfg;team blue;color 13" alias bot_arena "exec configs/fb_arena.cfg" alias bot_carena "exec configs/fb_ca.cfg" alias bot_ffa "exec configs/fb_ffa.cfg" alias br "bind f1 break; re" alias nmerl "say_team $\$nick enemy rl $[{%d}$]" alias re "bind f1 ready; br" alias report_status "say_team $\$nick $Y$Y report!" alias serverstxt "say ^S^e^r^v^e^r^s^.^t^x^t version: {$serverstxt}" alias sr_youtake "say_team $\$nick ‡‡ You take %l" alias zoom_in "sensitivity 2;fov 90;wait;fov 70;wait;fov 50;wait;fov 30;wait;fov 10;wait;fov 5;bind F11 zoom_out" alias zoom_out "sensitivity 4;fov 5;wait;fov 10;wait;fov 30;wait;fov 50;wait;fov 70;wait;fov 90;bind F11 zoom_in; sensitivity 3" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // T E A M P L A Y C O M M A N D S // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// tp_pickup powerups weapons armor mh pack rune1 tp_took default tp_point powerups weapons armor players mh pack rockets rune1 filter clear //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // M I S C E L L A N E O U S C O M M A N D S // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// mapgroup clear skygroup clear floodprot 10 1 1 hud_recalculate //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // P L U S C O M M A N D S // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// -moveup -movedown -left -right -forward -back -lookup -lookdown -strafe -moveleft -moveright -speed -attack -use -jump -klook -mlook -showscores -showteamscores //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // // K E Y B I N D I N G S // // // //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// bind TAB "+showscores" bind ENTER "messagemode2" bind ESCAPE "togglemenu" bind SPACE "+bestisgl" bind + "" bind , "" bind - "" bind . "" bind / "" bind 0 "" bind 1 "_cancel " bind 2 "_getpent" bind 3 "_quadover" bind 4 "_getquad" bind 5 "_epowerups" bind 6 "" bind 7 "" bind 8 "" bind 9 "" bind = "" bind \ "" bind ` "toggleconsole" bind a "_awaits" bind b "+booms" bind c "_coming" bind d "+back" bind e "+forward" bind f "+moveright" bind g "_safe" bind h "sr_youtake" bind i "" bind m "+axe" bind q "_slipped" bind r "_took" bind s "+moveleft" bind t "_rlkilled" bind u "attack_lost_pos" bind v "" bind w "_lost" bind x "+nails" bind y "" bind z "+nade" bind ~ "toggleconsole" bind BACKSPACE "messagemode" bind PAUSE "pause" bind UPARROW "+forward" bind DOWNARROW "+back" bind LEFTARROW "+left" bind RIGHTARROW "+right" bind ALT "_switch" bind CTRL "+scores" bind SHIFT "" bind F1 ".readybreak" bind F2 "" bind F3 "" bind F4 "_soon" bind F5 "_armorstatus" bind F6 "" bind F7 "" bind F8 "" bind F9 "exec servers.txt" bind F10 "" bind F11 "zoom_in" bind F12 "screenshot" bind INS "say proxy:menu select" bind DEL "say proxy:menu left" bind PGDN "say proxy:menu right" bind PGUP "say proxy:menu pgup" bind HOME "say proxy:menu up" bind END "say proxy:menu down" bind KP_MINUS "mp3_prev" bind KP_PLUS "mp3_next" bind KP_END "date" bind KP_INS "if $qtWinamp is not running$qt isin $qt$mp3info$qt then echo Winamp is not running! else say $mp3info" bind KP_DEL "mp3_play" bind KP_ENTER "mp3_pause" bind MOUSE1 "+inc" bind MOUSE2 "+jump" bind MOUSE3 "+tt" bind MOUSE4 "_need" bind MOUSE5 "_point; shownick" bind MWHEELUP "_help" bind MWHEELDOWN "_report"